About Us

Meet Ritisha

Ritisha qualified with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology) and Master of Osteopathy from Unitec New Zealand in 2013. Since then, she has worked in both Wellington CDB and Lower Hutt providing osteopathic care in very busy established practices. Ritisha is registered with ACC and the Osteopathic Council of NZ.

Ritisha published her thesis in 2018 with the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine investigating the “Attitudes and self-reported practices of New Zealand osteopaths to exercise consultation”. Her questionnaire has been used for research in Canada and Germany. Click here for Full Text.

Ritisha believes that osteopathy is an amazing job which allows her to create bespoke personalised services, taking into consideration the person as a whole and their story. She also enjoys the variety that osteopathy brings and the different people she gets to connect with through the community.

“I have a passion for exercise and competitive sports like touch rugby and like many of the patients I treat, I also want to keep doing the things I enjoy, so I’m one to practice what I preach. I believe that exercise, stretching, good nutrition and general physical activity is what keeps us healthy. It helps us to maintain our treatment benefits and prevent future injuries.”

In 2015 Ritisha completed further study at the NZ Institute of Health and Fitness to qualify with a certificate in personal training (level 4) and a certificate in fitness (level 3) to further increase her knowledge base.

Ritisha works actively with her patients utilising a variety of osteopathic techniques including structural, functional, visceral and cranial to ensure patients receive an individualised treatment approach to suits their own body’s’ requirements.

Her treatments are focussed on restoring movement, increasing function and reducing pain in order to improve quality of life and get people back to doing the things they love.


Book an Appointment with Ritisha Today!

“To find health should be the object of the doctor.
Anyone can find disease.”

— Andrew Taylor Still
Founder of Osteopathy & Osteopathic Medicine